Sunday, November 11, 2007

HangingRock State Park, November 2007

Over Veteran's Day weekend, we took our annual fall hiking trip. As we've added small feet to the family, "backpacking" has evolved into "carpacking", but we still enjoy getting out there and teaching B and S the art of peeing in the woods (S still refuses to abandon the pamper, but we're working on him...).

This year we went camping and dayhiking at Hanging Rock State Park near Winston-Salem, NC. Our brave friends Matt and Amanda went along and B had lots of fun keeping them on the run! He was a real trooper and hiked about 3 miles on Saturday. S has taken the Baby Backpack spot now and had a great time with his Daddy-sherpa. Both had a great time sleeping in the tent and conked out immediately!

We were very lucky that we had great leaf color due to the warm and dry weather this fall. It was a beautiful weekend and we hope you enjoy our photos! For more photos of our trip, go to